Vijay starrer Vettaikkaran’s first round of shooting, held in Rajamundry (Andhra Pradesh), has been completed. The crew will return to Chennai soon and get ready for the next round of shooting, which will most likely be held in AVM Studios.
In Rajamundry, the crew shot an introductory song for Vijay, in which he danced merrily with his son Sanjay. The song was shot in a grand temple set built by Milan in an obscure location on the outskirts of Rajamundry. Insiders reveal that the dance steps of Vijay in this song – choreographed by renowned dance master Shobi – look astounding! Following this song, the crew shot a few talkie portions involving Vijay and the film’s heroine Anushka, who plays a software engineer.
The biggest attraction is Vijay’s new get up for the movie! Though it has been kept a secret, it is understood that the actor will sport a new hairstyle. Usually, the star prefers short hair, slightly unruffled; but it looks like he will sport slightly longer hair, combed back slickly in a few scenes in Vettaikkaran! Similarly, the star is said to have paid great attention to his dress code in the film! Then there is news from director Babu Sivan himself – that Vijay will don four different get ups in the movie, though it is unclear if he will do that in a song or in the talkie portion! So it is sure that his fans will get to enjoy his new avatars in Vettaikkaran.
Vettaikkaran is Vijay’s 49th film and is produced by A.V.M.
PS: Kamal Haasan debuted as a child artist in A.V.M.’s Kalathur Kannamma years ago. Now, Vijay’s son Sanjay too is making a debut in A.V.M.’s movie! Can we expect him to grow up to be an actor of Kamal’s calibre?! Will the luck of coincidence shine on him too! We sure hope so!
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on Thursday, March 26, 2009
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