Movie : Poo
Directer: Sasi
Starring : Srikanth, Parvathi Menon
Release date: 2008
Language: Tamil
There are going to be six songs written by Na. Muthukumar and tuned by Kumaran, which is going to be a highlight of the film. Sasi in whose films, music plays an important part is introducing a new music director S.S Kumaran with Poo. Sasi has based his film on a short story written by the noted writer Tamilchelvan Hats off to Moserbaer and Sasi for investing so much time and effort to make something different like Poo, which may become a trendsetter! Sasi and the unit of Poo are raving about Parvathy`s performance. She has a natural way of emoting as proved by her performances in Malayalam films like Notebook and Flash