It’s pretty interesting, the way the movie opens up.
It is a fishing village somewhere in Tamilnadu and the day’s catch has just come in, ready to be sorted out for the markets.Contrary to reality, there is much harmony and professional courtesy amongst the fisherfolk and instead of separate piles of catch from each of the fishing charters, all of it lands in consolidated heaps. The reason? The villagers have a system where no one goes unpaid because of a poor catch. Everyone has done their job equally and no one goes hungry.
Enter villain. Threats. Bluff and bluster. Some violence. And amidst it all, a lone figure on a boat out at sea, peaceful and pensive. He returns, even as the baddies look like they are going to disrupt the delicate harmony of the community.
…We won’t give you the details, but the way the villains are quelled is quite interesting!
That, actually, is the USP of 1977 in a nutshell. Formula fare in terms of storyline, glamour and the end to it all, but at every stage, just as you think it’s just another masala movie, it endeavours to take a different tack.
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