“The audio of Vaaranam Aayiram is being launched on September 24th at Sathyam Cinemas”, says a spokesperson of Photon Factory, one of the producers of the film. Sony-BMG, has signed a record deal with producer V. Ravichandran for the audio rights of this Surya starrer.
It is the most awaited audio in recent times and is Harris 26th album. Those who heard the numbers from the album say that the songs rock. Harris is in splendid form especially the retro 60’s type song Mundhinam Parthene… picturised on Surya and Simran and the song Adiye Kolluthey.. both potential chartbusters.
These two songs will be premiered at the audio launch and all the cast and crew of the film will be present at the function.
Says Harris to Sify.com: ” I share a great rapport with Gautham. A music director and director must have great chemistry if good songs have to evolve and Vaaranam Aayiram numbers are picturised beautifully by Gautham”.
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