Following reports that plans are afoot to disrupt the screening of Kuselan in Tamil Nadu and calling for a ban on the movie, the theatres screening the movie has been given tight police security. The protests led by the Dravidar Parayar Munnetra Kazhagam on Sunday in front of two prominent theatres Chennai has called for this stringent measure. According to the Chennai police,
organizations holding demonstrations in front of the theatres without obtaining police permission will be arrested. It may be recalled that Rajinikanth’s explanation to Karnataka, over his speech during a fast conducted by the Tamil film artistes and technicians over the Hogenakkal issue, created a ruckus in Tamil film industry as many termed it as an apology.
In yet another related incident, which happened in Salem, sources report that Rajini banners have been torn apart by some unidentified miscreants. The banners were posted outside the theatres on behalf of Rajinikanth fans’ association. Police sources, however, say that they are yet to receive a formal complaint in this regard and will take action when they are presented with a complaint. Meanwhile, the fans of the superstar have stressed that the inciters must be brought to book and all the theatres screening Kuselan must be given adequate security.
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