The Marmayogi launch, which was scheduled in Mumbai for July 13th is said to be postponed to July 25th according to industry buzz. Incidentally July 25th is said to be the release of the much awaited Rajinikanth movie Kuselan. But the dates of both the Marmayogi pooja and release of Kuselan film is not confirmed yet.
Kamal’s Marmayogi, is said to be a historical adventure romantic film with an ‘A’ list of actors. He has already contacted Bollywood actress Kajol, to play the heroine in this film, which will have music by A.R Rahman . The others including technicians are being worked out. Pyramid Saimira International Films, the producer of ‘Marmayogi’, has awarded the production rights to Kamal Haasan based on ‘first copy’.
Marmayogi is envisaged as a massive bi-lingual in Hindi and Tamil.
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